Lotto 1.0 Find out which lotto numbers win more often. Enter the number, date, and an optional note. Over time you'll see which numbers win the most.Includes 2 free utilities. One to transfer data to/from your PC. The other is a report utility where you can view or print lotto data on yourWindows PC. Screenshot WWW |
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for Mobile Phones 1.2 Change your ringtones on your mobile phone every day! Supported phones: Ringtones are supported on Nokia models 3210, 3310, 6110, 6130, 6150, 6210, 7110, 8110i, 8210, 8290, 8810, 8850, 8890, 9000i and 9110, Siemens models S25,S35,SL45. Screenshot WWW |
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1.0 MovieKeeper is a great little freeware program to keep track of all your movie data. It comes with two .pdb files, AFI's top 100 movies and Academy Award's best pictures for the last several years. Install these files with the .prc file and you will have a handy reference for hundreds of good movies. MovieKeeper is easy to use can take care of most of your movie keeping needs. Screenshot WWW |
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Data 1.0 Organize your party details with this hassale-free software. With so many features, planning your parties is never easier. Screenshot WWW |
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A Suitable Father By Patricia Crossley and NCP. Kurt Rainer left his hometown with a bad reputation and bitterness in his heart. After twelve years as a mountain guide, he's back--and involved in a high profile murder of a movie star. . . Maggie longs for a stable family and a loving father for her child and has plans for herself and her twelve year old son that certainly do not have room for a former lover who abandoned her, leaving her pregnant and vulnerable just when she needed him most. Screenshot WWW |
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Trivia Quiz 1.0 Do you consider yourself a Seinfeld expert? Find out with this fun trivia quiz. How much did Jerry pay his maid to have sex with him? At the Yankee fantasy camp, who did Kramer hit with a pitch? What arcade game does George consider himself the "master" of? This quiz is taken on The ReviewMaster, an application that allows you to take virtually any quiz/test on your handheld. It also allows you to create your own test. Screenshot WWW |
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Training 1.2 Pilotraining is an endurance sport diary. You can record your training in the category of your choice. You can manage all your trainings by ordering with several criterias, display customizable graphs to evaluate your form, look at statistics of your current season, month, week or day. Screenshot WWW |
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1.0 A PalmOS application that tracks hurricanes and tropical storms. The application allows the user to create & edit storm records and plot the storms track on a map of the central Atlantic ocean. Screenshot WWW |
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Checker 2.3 Check your lottery syndicate entries quickly and easily with this simple fun lottery checker. Version 2 now lets you keep track of 6 syndicates allowing a maximum of 600 tickets to be held. The user can also now configure the software for his/her own lottery system. Configurable parameters include number of winning and bonus balls, Range of numbers, and winning combinations. Screenshot WWW |
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and Stones 0.9.5 Name generator for the palm pilot. Generate your porn star or Star Wars(TM) name. Great fun down the pub. Screenshot WWW |
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Doll 0.9.6 Get your own back with this palm based voodoo doll. Enter the name of your nemesis and prick with the stylus. Screenshot WWW |
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Viewer 1.1 BugMe! Viewer lets you view your BugMe! notes on your PC. Now you can print BugMe! notes, save them as bitmap (.bmp) files and copy them to the Windows clipboard - enabling you to paste them into word documents and emails. Screenshot WWW |
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- Volume 2 PalmQuotes Volume 2 - PalmQuotes Library of Quotes puts hundreds of quotes and sayings at your fingertips. Volume 2 has quotes from business leaders, politicians, sports legends, and many others. Great for anyone that would love to have the wit and wisdom of the ages on your Palm. Screenshot WWW |
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Flight Bag - 91 v1.0 EFB-91 allows users to perform aircraft specific weight & balance calculations (CG limits displayed graphically) with defaults for station weights, fuel and baggage. Pilot and aircraft currency log. E6B type calculations, airspace dictionary for visibility, cloud distance rules etc. Climb gradient and TAS calculator. Stopwatch. Save and retrieve flights. Comes with room for 2 aircraft, add additional A/C up to 20. Go to the developer's website above and select Electronic Flight Bag for larger screen shots. Screenshot WWW |
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Screen Simulator 1.0 Oh no, my precious palm is cracked! Not really, its just appearances with this palm simulator of a broken screen. Works with Image Viewer. (Imageviewer) Screenshot |
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1.6 What you do when you don't want to come to a meeting but don't have any excuse ready? You will not run out of excuse when you try Because. It is giving you a quick drop down list with a excuse. Because! will be updated nearly every week with new excuses. Because! is a fully-functional program with no bug-screen or what ever. If you really like the software and want to support me, please click on the Buy! icon! Thanks. Screenshot WWW |
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1.0 Have you got a question you have been dying to know the answer to? Do you need some help predicting the future? This entertaining software is exactly what you need! Screenshot |
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it On 2.0 Everyone has a bad day and can't take it out on anyone with out being arrested. Bring it on is state of the art software that turns your Palm into you personal insults takin machine. All you hav eto do is call it names and it will continously take your abuse. Sometimes it might even insult you back. Screenshot |
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0.9 Use your Palm Pilot to make those tricky decisions in life. Pub, food or bed let UmErr decide for you. Screenshot |
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Life Counter 1.0 Don't you just hate 20-sided or 10-sided die? They suck! It takes forever to find the number you're looking for. Why not just tap a screen to change the life (and with the MTG font), and intimidate your opponent with the fact that you have a Palm? Just tap the top of the screen to raise your life, the lower to lower it. It will even set the auto off to 10 mins while it's running (and set it back to whatever you had it at when you exit). Screenshot |
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Ching Planner 1.2 Use it in a meeting, at home, or in the car. Plan for change with the I Ching Planner, a modern decision tool based on ancient wisdom. Practical advice at the tip of your stylus with a decision time based on your body's own chi cycle. Includes traditional divination board interface. Screenshot |
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Greetings 1.0 Greet your Near & Dear ones on their Palm Devices. Screenshot |
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1.00 A Genealogist's helper. Give it a name, it produces the Soundex code. Screenshot |
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1.0 This program encodes and decodes United States VCRplus+ codes. VCRplus+ codes are the strings of digits you see in TV listings that encode the date, time, channel, and duration information of a particular program. This program requires PocketC full version or runtime. Screenshot |
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0.6c Keep track of your life total in the trading card game "Magic: The Gathering". Screenshot |
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Rabbit 2.0 The Psychic Rabbit can read your mind ! Just think of a card and memorize it. Then the rabbit will remove the card that you just memorized. Screenshot |
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Buddy 1.0 Playing the 4 Digit Lottery is a favourite pastime and hobby of many Singaporean. Now for the first time, Zoos Software presents a Palm software that actually assists you in making that decision of buying the golden numbers! Screenshot |
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Uni-remote 1.3 This is an Omniremote database which has over 80 IR codes for 131 major TV brands. If you lost your remote and don't have the money to buy a $30 Universal Remote just to sit on the couch and flip the channels, this is your savior. You must have Omniremote installed on your Palm device. Screenshot |
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1.7 PalmWord++ is a powerful dictionary search program for word game and crossword puzzle lovers. It allows you to search for words given subsets of letters and their locations. It can find single and multi-word anagrams too. It uses a compact dictionary database allowing you to search hundreds of thousands of words. Screenshot |
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4.6 AbcLotto is a tool for generating number sets for lottery games. It is appropriate for all lottery games up to number 70 with a draw set size of 1 through 7. Numbers are picked in a random or QuickPick fashion, via a weighted function which is derived from past winning numbers or by the cyclic and wheeling functions. |
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Flight Computer 1.0b The ultimate flight computer for PalmOS handheld devices has arrived! Tired of trying to read tiny print on the low-resolution screen of a dedicated electronic flight computer, or the even tinier scales on a traditional E6-B or CR style computer? |
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1.0 The smart way to get things done -- on your Palm! Keep an eye on calories with the Burn Barometer, conquer household projects with the Handy Home Estimators, clean up life's little disasters with tips from Good Housekeeping, and get your daily dose of cosmic insight from Astronet. |
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Insult 1.0 Someone just cut you off? Your boss just handed you a pile of work? Don't use those tired old insults, instead reach for your Shakespearian Insult generator and refer to your boss as a "Hell Hated Lout" or an "Infectious Half-Faced Hedge-Pig" Fun for the whole family. |
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2.8 A programmable remote control for you Palm through its infra-red port. Works great and is pretty cool too!!! Screenshot |
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2.0 You've spent $$$ on your new shiny Palm... Start getting your money's worth with FanMate! The coolest freeware for the Palm. |
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1.0.1 Converts between different International size scales for shoes, dresses, suits, shirts, jumpers, tee-shirts, hats and childrens wear. US, UK, European, Japanese, Mondo Point and XS,S,M,LXL,XLL scales supported. Useful for shopping on and off the web. |
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Release Dates 1.08 This is a .dba file that contains all the major motion picture release dates from now until August of 2000. I will update this file every three months when more movies have there dates set in stone. Updates will not include the same movies will thus eliminate potential duplicate items. This file is FREE and can be easily imported through the datebook portion of your Palm Desktop. |
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1.0 Makes it easier to keep track of important vehicle maintenance information. |
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Databases 1.01 These free DB based databases include a Pokemon Collectible Card Game card, Television Episode, Toy guide, and Burger King Toy guide database. Other databases will be considered for future releases |
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Messenger and Yahoo! PQA Instant Messages, Email, File Transfers, and Voice Chat. Customizable Status Messages and Invisible Mode. Personalized Themes for your Messenger. Yahoo! Mail, Personals, and Calendar Alerts. Visitors to your web page can see when you're online. News, Weather, Stock Quotes, Sports Scores, and more. |
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2.0 3D-Animated Lotto is the only program for PalmPilot devices, that comprises all about the Lotto game. The game is more than realistic - it is provided with the unique THREE-DIMENSIONAL machine for drawing up the numbers. You waste and win money, virtual of course - the winnings are calculated in US dollars. And finally - you can win a real Palm V, while playing this game. Screenshot |
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Knots 1.0 This image shows the art of tying tie knots. It's very simple and ideal for beginners. So, if you have a surprising meeting or date: put your tie out of the pocket, go in front of a mirror, open your palm - and be happy! (Image Viewer III needed.) |
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1.1 Play with Fireworks in safety on your Palm! Looks great on a backlit Palm V or IIIx! |
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2.0 WhatsOn allows you to download and display TV listing data in a grid format on your Palm. Screenshot |
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Finer Life Pokemon Guide If you have a child between 5 and 10 years old, you know what a Pokémon is. But if you are like many of us around DuWa Productions, you don't know a Bulbasaur from a Charmander |
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2.0 Pilot Eyes is a fun little app that will make you think your PalmPilot is watching you. (Actually it's watching your stylus). |
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1.0 One of the oldest beliefs, which in time became part of the ocult, is a belief in meaning and influence of dreams upon our future. Infront of you is a program that contains explanations of various symbols found in your dreams. It's a handy index that you can use if you're interested in misteryous meaning of your dream or for pure fun |
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1.0 This program will produce all kinds of fun patterns. If you touch the screen, things get more interesting as the patterns respond to your pen movements. Menus let you choose between two basic styles of movement, and you can fine tune each style to create a wide variety of curves and cusps |
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WebCam 1.1 Take a look inside the Dilbert Office, and peep into Dilbert's world. This first version has only one Cam active, so give me feedback if you like it. More cam's to be added in the next release. |
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1.1 Measure It enables you to use the dimensions of your Palm Organizer for taking measurements. Just select the appropriate type of Palm Organizer and get started. |
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2.3 Electronics is a electronic reference application with the following features: Color coding calculators both for resistors and capacitors. IEC conversions for resistors(SMD) and capacitors. Conversion between capacitor coding systems. Misc calculations both for resistors and capacitors. Screenshot |
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3.31 BugMe! is the easiest way to take notes and set reminders... Try it for FREE and see what you think! BugMe! is an ingeniously simple memory jolter. Relevant and useful to everyone who owns a Palm, BugMe! has won many prestigious awards and has a growing, grateful following amongst Palm people. BugMe! can't make you want to do stuff but it'll ensure you don't forget! Whatever the "reminder" you need, BugMe! lets you simply scribble it onto the screen or enter text using Graffiti, and set an alarm. Then whatever you're doing, an in your face yellow "stickie" will pop-up, cheerful and unignorable. Screenshot WWW |
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Roots 1.2 Genealogy software for your Palm Pilot! Import data from or export data to GED file, and automatically create categories from important surnames. |
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Buddy 1.3 Provides all the same navigation function that a standard handheld aviation GPS provides. Comes complete with a FULL America's or Eurpeon Database. Displays Bearing, Track, Radial, ETE, Speed, Distance, Altitude. Has full message center, alarms, XTK error and more. Only GPS software that fully emulates a 10 degree OBS and CDI. Super Fast database searches, search on waypoint ID's or real names. Supports NMEA 0182 and up protocol. Screenshot |
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