Image 1.0
Image is an application by which you could see the image of Jesus Christ with the help of your Palm device. When you use this application you see an image on your Palm device concentrate on the image for sometime and close your eyes. You will see the image of Jesus Christ.
Screenshot WWW
BibleReader 3.0
Use this BibleReader to read the NKJV, NASB, KJV, or Greek NT (and more) Bibles on your Palm Pilot! The BibleReader scrolls and searches through text, has several screen display preferences (Bold, Large, Paragraph or Verse), and many added features in version 3.0, including bookmarks and four different desktops! If you already have the BibleReader, update now to the 3.0!
Bible 1.0
This is a Modern English translation of the Holy Bible, based on the American Standard Version of the Holy Bible, the Biblia Hebraica Stutgartensa Old Testament first published in 1901 and the Greek Majority Text New Testament.
Not Tested
Menorah Simulator 2.1
Light this Menorah for Chanukah on your Palm.
Dreidel Simulator 1.1
Dont have room for your Dreidel in your pocket.  Spin this one anywhere, anytime on your Palm.
Bibliography 1.0
Includes major jewish events and people. Include both Jeiwsh dates and Secular dates For ThinkDB

Not Tested

2000-2005 Catholic Holiday's 1.11
This .dba file can be imported directly into the datebook and contains the major bank holidays for 2000. If you like this FREE software, please drop me a note or write a review.
MassRef2000 1.0h
This is a JFile database containing a reference to weekday and Sunday Mass readings for US Catholics. A reference to the first reading, psalms, second reading (Sundays) and Gospel readings are included for each day of Year II, Cycle B (Church year 2000).